Chiropractors in Bundoora and Richmond

At Uprise Health, our team of dedicated chiropractors, including Dr. Johnie, Dr. Mina and Dr. Iden, are committed to staying at the forefront of the chiropractic field. We pride ourselves on providing the most advanced and effective treatment methods available in both Richmond and Bundoora areas.

With a collective 34 years of chiropractic experience, our dedicated team employ a gentle approach to your treatment. Our vast experience allows us to utilise techniques that enhance overall health and wellbeing. We recognise that your health concerns may extend beyond just your pain. We take a comprehensive approach to diagnosis and treatment to address any underlying issues throughout your body that may be contributing to your discomfort. This ensures that you receive effective and lasting relief through chiropractic care.

What is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic is considered alternative medicine that targets musculoskeletal disorders, especially spinal issues. Chiropractors are trained professionals who use manual techniques, primarily spinal adjustments, to address conditions such as back pain, neck pain, and posture abnormalities.

Is Chiropractic care for you?

Our chiropractors in Bundoora and Richmond take a personalised approach to provide you with chiropractic services, recognising that there is no 'one-size-fits-all' solution. We understand that each patient requires a tailored approach to treatment. When you visit our chiropractors, you'll receive a warm welcome who are eager to provide a comprehensive diagnosis and rehabilitation plan customised to your specific needs.

Chiropractic care can assist in:

  • Back Pain
  • Neck Pain
  • Sciatica
  • Headaches
  • Posture abnormalities including scoliosis
  • Chronic Pain

Our chiropractors in Bundoora and Richmond offer several modalities for care.

These include:

  • Traditional manual spinal adjustments
  • Activator techniques/protocol
  • Soft tissue therapy
  • Dry needling
  • Sports rehabilitation
  • Cupping therapy
  • TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation)
  • Spinal Traction/Spinal Decompression Therapy
  • Ultrasound therapy

Your First Chiropractic Appointment: A Roadmap to Better Health

At your chiropractic visit, you'll embark on a journey to better health, and here's what to anticipate.

  • A comprehensive medical history, exploring your current concerns.
  • Physical examination, including posture checks, range of motion assessments, and a complete evaluation of your spine and musculoskeletal health.
  • Crafting your tailored treatment plan, which may include spinal adjustments, soft tissue therapy, and other specialised chiropractic techniques.
  • Often, your first adjustment with our chiropractors in Bundoora and Richmond may occur during this session.
  • Finally, anticipate a scheduled follow-up to monitor your progress and adapt your treatment as needed.